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Thank you for your interest in a Troy Aikman autograph. Due to an ever-increasing demand for autographs, we have established policies and procedures for obtaining an autograph.

Charity or School Fundraisers


Thank you for your interest in a Troy Aikman autograph. We do not keep any autographed items in stock.

We do have 8 X 10 color action photos in our office that Mr. Aikman will autograph and donate one per year per charity. If you would like to request the autographed photo, please send us a letter on the original letterhead for the school or charity describing the fundraiser, including the date of the fundraiser and requesting the photo. You can send it to our P.O. Box address below and your request must also include a copy of the letter from the IRS showing that you have 501(c)(3) status. We do not accept e-mail requests.

If you would like to request an autograph on another type of item (football, jersey, helmet, picture of your own, football card or any item you provide), the charge is $50 and you need to follow these instructions:

1. Please purchase and mail your item to be autographed to:

  • Aikman Enterprises
    Attn: Faye Hindman
    P. O. Box 192309
    Dallas, Texas 75219

If you are sending your item by overnight mail, you can either call the office at 214-468-0015 or send Faye Hindman an e-mail at for a street address.

2. Your package must include:

  • An original letter on the letterhead for the school or charity describing the fundraising event, the date of the event and asking for the autograph.
  • A copy of the letter from the IRS stating that your school or charity has 501(c)(3) status.
  • A cashier’s check or money order MADE PAYABLE TO TROY AIKMAN or cash in the amount of $50.00. Please DO NOT send a personal check.
  • Return postage, label and packaging. Please use Fed Ex, UPS or a USPS postage label, not stamps.
  • Your name, address and telephone number.

Please allow several weeks for the delivery of any autographed item. Due to a very busy travel schedule, Mr. Aikman is not in the office on a daily basis.

A copy of this policy may be downloaded here.

All Other Autograph Requests


Thank you for your interest in a Troy Aikman autograph. Due to an ever-increasing demand for autographs, we have established a policy of charging a handling fee of $25.00 for an autographed 8 x 10 color photo that we provide or $200.00 per autograph for any item that you purchase and send to us. This includes a football, helmet, jersey, photo or football card and payment must be received in advance. Please follow the instructions below to obtain your autograph.

To request an autographed 8 x 10 color action photo that we provide, you need to send a letter requesting the photo along with $25 cash or a money order in the amount of $25 MADE PAYABLE TO TROY AIKMAN to the address listed in paragraph 1 below. Do not send a personal check. This photo can be personalized to whomever you wish.

The procedure for obtaining an autograph on any item that you send to us is as follows:

1. Send your item to be autographed to:

  • Aikman Enterprises
    Attn: Faye Hindman
    P.O. Box 192309
    Dallas, Texas 75219

If you need to send your package to a street address, you can call the office
(214-468-0015) or send an e-mail to for the address.

2.  Your package must include:

  • $200 cash or a money order for $200 MADE PAYABLE TO TROY AIKMAN. DO NOT send a personal check.
  • Return postage, label and packaging. Fed Ex, UPS or USPS label is preferred.
  • Your name, address and telephone number.

Allow several weeks for the delivery of any autographed item. Due to a very busy travel schedule, Mr. Aikman is not in the office on a daily basis.

A copy of this policy may be downloaded here.

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